Powhatan County Public Library 2270 Mann Rd. Powhatan, VA 23139 United States
Note: All required fields are indicated with an asterisk.
Light refreshments may be served in meeting rooms. “Light refreshments” are foods that do not require preparation on site, do not require a heat source, do not have a strong aroma, do not require condiments and could not be considered a meal. Library staff should be consulted in advance if the registrant has questions regarding what “light refreshments” are allowed.
Any spills, damage or problems noted prior to the meeting or occurring during the meeting should be promptly reported to library staff. Any damage requiring replacement, profession cleaning or repair of Library equipment, furniture, or facilities that occurs due the registrant’s use will be billed to that registrant. This does not include easily remedied problems such as spills that can be completely cleaned or normal wear on frequently used furnishings.